Franklin Twp. man accused of taking sexually explicit photos of girl younger than 10

A Franklin Twp. man facing multiple felony charges is accused of taking sexually explicit photos of a girl younger than 10 and later trying to delete the images.

Conner Scott Burns, 25, pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity during his Tuesday arraignment in Warren County Common Pleas Court on 21 counts of illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material or performance and one count each of tampering with evidence and possessing criminal tools.

Conner Burns

Credit: Warren County Jail

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Credit: Warren County Jail

Burns is accused of taking photos of the girl “in a state of nudity” on Aug. 20, 2023, in Franklin Twp., then attempting to delete the images to hide them from a criminal investigation, according to a county grand jury report.

Prosecutor David Fornshell said the Warren County Sheriff’s Office began an investigation when the child’s family member saw inappropriate material on an electronic device and asked the child about it.

According to a Warren County grand jury report, Burns is accused of taking photos of the minor “in a state of nudity” on Aug. 20, 2023, in Franklin Twp., then attempting to delete the images to try to hide them from a criminal investigation.

Fornshell said girl is younger than 10, and that she is known to Burns.

Burns is held on $25,000 bail in the Warren County Jail.

He is scheduled to be back in court on July 19.

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